Courses and student projects offered by IFD at the Bachelor and Master level are part of the curricula in Mechanical Engineering, Computational Science and Engineering, Energy Science and Technology, Biomedical Engineering, Civil Engineering and others.
The figure to the left and designated pages give an overview of courses & seminars and student projects that are offered by IFD.
In the following, we outline guidelines for students to facilitate the selection of courses in the context of the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor and Master curricula.
Curriculum Guidelines
IFD offers a number of courses in fundamental, computational and experimental fluid dynamics. These include a class on basic fluid dynamics which is mandatory for students in the fourth semester, as well as courses on advanced fluid mechanics and related topics for students in semesters 5 and 6 of the eligible Focus Specialization "Sustainable Energy and Processes".
In view of the prerequisites for the Focus and, in particular the Master level courses offered by IFD, we strongly recommend that students include the following two among their elective courses. In the fall (5th) semester "Introduction to Computing" and in the 6th semester "Computational Methods for Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer Problems".
Within the Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, the educational program of IFD offers three optional profiles, each with its own set of recommended courses:
While the profiles overlap partially, each profile has a designated focus. Beyond the courses offered by IFD, each of these profiles integrates competences in appropriate related fields available from other institutes and professorships of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering as well as selected courses from other ETH Departments.
ETH Zürich
Institut für Fluiddynamik
Sonneggstrasse 3